Professional Services
27 February 2018
2018 is off to a busy start. We are very pleased to have launched our new website in the last few weeks.
One of the objectives at Kaon Security this year is to build better awareness of the range of professional services we have on offer designed to help organisations programmatically improve their security posture.
CLICK HERE to view Professional Services overview information
A couple of topics we specifically wanted to highlight in this communication are our Technical Security Audit, First Responder Forensic Toolkit (FRFT), version 18 IT Policy System and our new Policy Lite version.
This 2 day onsite exercise is a hands-on test of how your systems operate and how they are being managed. The level of protection is assessed against the amount of risk to the organisation. Policies, procedures, overall management and other mitigating factors are also scrutinised to establish compliance to corporate mandates. A comprehensive report is produced for our client highlighting the major areas of concern. Aside from providing you with a good IT security baseline the report can be used as discussion paper to determine short or long term security improvement priorities and budgetary requirements. We can provide a deeper level of detail to interested parties upon request. Contact us today.
All too often we find organisations have done limited preparation around incident response planning. As a result of reacting to several emergency situations concerning breaches and incidents last year we have developed a First Responder Forensic Toolkit that conforms to relevant ISO standards. The kit is designed to speed up the time to action in the event of a security breach or incident and can be located at your premises. View our Toolkit infographic here.
Kaon Security is due to start shipping Version 18 of the IT Policy System in early March. The policy system has now been mapped to the ISO27017 Cloud Computing Standard. To ensure the IT Policy System fully complies with the Cloud Computing Standard, additional policy statement details have been added to the Cloud Computing Policy covering:
Existing policy statements within the Cloud Computing section of the system have also been expanded to meet ISO27017 controls, which further detail the requirements in a cloud service agreement between the host and service provider and training for users of the cloud service.
In November we launched a Lite version of the Policy System which is designed for smaller organisations that primarily require end user focussed policies. This cloud based version is subscription based and therefore reduces the overhead of building a business case to get capex approved. If you would like to arrange a walkthrough of the Lite version please free to contact us and we can set up a webex.
CLICK HERE to view a copy of the Lite Version data sheet.
Phishing identified as most concerning security threat in two local reports >