Professional Services
07 August 2019
Many organisations will make, or have made, significant investments into business transformation projects. Investing a modest percentage of the overall project spend into a cybersecurity improvement program could make the difference between having a trouble-free transition or not. The recipe to “bake in” security has become more complex over time, as organisations use a combination of on-premise computing with IaaS, PaaS and SaaS Cloud options to run their business.
Our Cybersecurity Improvement Program (CIP) is designed to maximise the opportunity that can be found at the intersection of people, process, and technology whilst managing risk. Some of the basic tenets of the program are: Know and love your data, eliminate “old” thinking about how to protect systems and data, develop the right risk profile and then continue to manage it.
Designed to run in 3 phases, the starting point for an engagement is a 1 day assessment workshop. If you would like discuss how we have assisted organisations securely transform their business’, then contact Mike or Steve regarding the CIP.
Nothing stays the same
Our Microsoft Office 365 Security Audit service is designed to provide your organisation with assurance that the Office 365 security and privacy configuration settings your organisation or your service provider has selected, are appropriate for your business requirements - and will be effective.
The frequent introduction of new functionality in the Office 365 environment, means there is an increasing number of security configuration options to check.
Our Microsoft Office 365 Security Audit currently checks 150 configuration options, which is double the number we were checking just 12 months ago. Click Here for the service overview.
It is imperative that customers ensure they take care of their security in the Cloud. The shared responsibility model stipulates that an organisation such as Microsoft is only responsible for the security of the Cloud application.
Reduce your risk footprint
An account compromise in the Office 365 environment can be hard to contain and very costly to clean up. Our security assessment is designed to help you reduce your risk footprint.
A recent survey of 300 companies conducted by Osterman Research on behalf of Cyrenm, found that 120 of the survey participants had experienced a compromise of their Office 365 credentials. The effected participants estimated that the clean up after the compromise required on average 133 hours to conclude.
Meaningful information
Once the Office 365 security assessment is completed we provide you with a comprehensive report that covers –
Click Here to see some sections from a sample report.
IT Policy System Version 19 Released
We are pleased to announce the release of IT Policy System Version 19 (Full Version) which ships as of August 1st.
The following are new additions and changes delivered in Version 19:
Watch our new introductory video