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Business man looking at IT Security Services on his phone Business man looking at IT Security Services on his phone Business man looking at IT Security Services on his phone

IT Security Audit

Building A Foundation Of Assurance

An IT security audit is a comprehensive assessment of the security measures your organisation has in place to protect your information systems and the data they hold.

The key elements of the audit that collectively ensure a thorough examination of your organisation's security posture include:

  • Agree Scope: Clearly outline the systems, processes, and data to be audited.
  • Risk Assessment: Identify and evaluate potential risks to the IT environment, including vulnerabilities and threats.
  • Policy Review: Examine existing security policies, procedures, and compliance with regulations and standards.
  • Assess Technical Controls: Evaluate the effectiveness of security technologies such as firewalls, intrusion detection systems, and encryption.
  • Access Controls: Review user access levels and authentication methods to ensure proper access management.
  • Incident Response Evaluation: Assess your organisation's readiness to respond to security incidents and breaches.

An IT security audit checks for compliance to relevant standards and regulations e.g. ISO and ASD Essential Eight. A compliance assessment is crucial for legal and regulatory obligations, risk management, reputation and trust, and continuous improvement.

Two business men looking at the results of an IT Security Audit on a iPad

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