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Business Continuity And Disaster Recovery

Best Practice Guidance To Improve Resilience And Continuity

An IT business continuity and disaster recovery plan is designed to ensure your organisation has minimal downtime, protects its critical data, maintains operational efficiency, and enables quick recovery from disruptions. In doing so you can protect your organisation’s reputation and financial stability.

Kaon Security’s Business Continuity Planning and Disaster Recovery (BCP/DR) services help organisations prepare for, respond to, and recover from disruptive events, ensuring minimal downtime whilst protecting critical business operations.

We provide a comprehensive and tailored approach to:

Risk Assessment & Business Impact Analysis (BIA) Identifying critical business functions and assets, assessing potential risks and threats, and analysing their impact on your organisation. This phase helps to prioritise recovery efforts and align strategies with business objectives.

Business Continuity Plan (BCP) Strategy Development - Our experts design a customised BCP that outlines preventive measures, recovery strategies, and response protocols. This includes ensuring data redundancy, off-site storage, and establishing alternate communication channels.

Disaster Recovery Plan (DRP) Creation - We develop a robust DRP tailored to your IT environment, covering backup systems, network recovery, cloud solutions, and hardware restoration to minimise data loss and ensure rapid IT system recovery.

Crisis Management & Communication Plans - The creation of crisis communication strategies, including predefined messaging, internal and external communication protocols, and leadership roles during an emergency. (linking Cyber Incident Management with existing Emergency Management Team (EMT) processes)

Testing & Training - Testing and simulations can be conducted to validate the effectiveness of your Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Plans.

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