Professional Services


IT Managers with laptops working through their organisations security governance approach IT Managers with laptops working through their organisations security governance approach

How do you approach security governance?

14 September 2022

Determining the right level of security governance your organisation needs to have in place will assist in controlling and directing the associated IT security practice. When security governance runs well it efficiently coordinates the security activities of the organisation, enabling the movement of security information and associated decisions. T…

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A laptop displaying the Microsoft Azure logo A laptop displaying the Microsoft Azure logo

Microsoft Azure - Identifying And Managing Risk

03 August 2022

The Microsoft Azure environment is inherently dynamic, and changes to existing configuration settings and the introduction of new settings by Microsoft are routine. This requires organisations and system administrators to regularly interact with Microsoft Azure to ensure risks are appropriately identified and managed.

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A laptop on a boardroom table with a holographic of an IT security shield leading to secured IT systems from a successful cybersecurity strategy A laptop on a boardroom table with a holographic of an IT security shield leading to secured IT systems from a successful cybersecurity strategy

What's Your Strategy?

16 June 2022

Although cybersecurity risks impact every enterprise, the ways in which they are affected are different, as is the way in which they develop and deliver their Cybersecurity Strategy. Cybersecurity has few, if any, one-size-fits-all solutions. Each organisation is unique, as are its needs and goals.

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An organisations secure IT systems and information assets due to a Microsoft 365 security review being conducted to check the security configuration settings An organisations secure IT systems and information assets due to a Microsoft 365 security review being conducted to check the security configuration settings

When did you last conduct a thorough Microsoft 365 Security Review?

05 May 2022

In a recent communication we outlined how Kaon Security when conducting Microsoft 365 security reviews have found many organisations have a well a configured tenancy in some areas but commonly those organisations still have some critical or high-risk security issues to address, and opportunities for improvement. Even where security best practices a…

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